
David was editor of the Glasgow University Guardian, following Donald Dewar and followed by Neil McCormick. For over thirty years David has been active in the history of golf and was captain of the British Golf Collector’s Society in 1998. In addition to writing for British and American historical magazines, he prints his own limited edition books using traditional letterpress techniques, followed by fine leather binding. Starting with Early Golf in Glasgow (1985), these slim volumes, under the imprint of the ‘Partick Press’, now number seven, and are collectors’ items. In 1998 he published Golf - Scotland’s Game, a new history of golf in Scotland, a conventionally printed work for a broader readership. His Scottish Golf Guide went to three editions from 1982.
For his contributions to golf scholarship, he was twice awarded a Murdoch Medal by the British Golf Collectors’ Society, an award named after his mentor and friend, the late Joseph Murdoch, the co-founder of the Golf Collectors’ Society.
He has had many administrative appointments in relation to both his clinical and golf activities. He is a member of
committees of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and of the USGA in America.
He formerly played off a handicap of 13, occasionally.
His medical history publications include The Monkey Gland Affair (1986), The Healers: A History of Scottish Medicine (1981 and 2000) An Illlustrated History of Scottish Medicine (2011, with others) and The First Transplant Surgeon: The Flawed Genius of Alexis Carrel (2016).
David’s books forthcoming:
The First Transplant Surgeon:
The Flawed Genius of Alexis Carrel
(World Scientific Publishing, Spring 2016)
A new account of the 1912 Nobel Prize winner, and his fascist leanings.
PAPS: The Particularly Attractive Proposals Which Rule Our Brains
(Partick Press, January 2016)
An A-to-Z listing of common delusions, some benign and some dangerous, gathered together under this catchy acronym.